Lazarina Boneva


Lazarina Boneva is a lawyer, an NGO worker, a volunteer, a politician, but most of all she is a dreamer.
Many people dream in silence and alone – she doesn’t. She likes dreaming, but she also likes chasing my dreams. In the past she used to chase her dreams around the world, but in the last two years she has started chasing them in her hometown. During working hours she practices law in courtrooms, after work and on weekends she practices social and political activism. There is always a project to work on. Sometimes she envies people who spend their weekends watching TV and shopping at the mall, while other times she thinks their life is boring in comparison to hers!
Do you have any idea how inspiring it is to change the world? 😉

Organization: ‘Institute for social integration’, Bulgaria

My project is about a youth mobile center in my hometown – Bozhurishte, Bulgaria.
Bozhurishte is a small town in the suburbs of the Bulgarian capital. The town is calm and empty during working hours and generally does not offer many opportunities for young people to spend their time reasonably, to make them feel a part of the community – part of something that matters.
The idea of a mobile youth center is to create a youth friendly environment and turn young people living in the town into an active breathing cell of Bozurishte society. The mobile youth center will give local children and youth people opportunities to participate in educational, cultural and sports events and activities and spend their time learning and working in the local community to which they belong.