ViabilityNet 3.0

How we helped people initiate change in the Czech Republic and Europe during 2017

Greetings from Via Foundation and welcome to 2018. Although we’ve only spent two weeks in this fresh new year, we’re sure that as 2018 unfolds we’ll see stories just as inspiring

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The new “Via Travel Agency” travels to the Těšín region to meet people who are changing the Czech Republic

Via on the road. A new way of getting to know initiatives in various parts of the Czech Republic. And a new way for Via Foundation to support people who

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Improving everything around me seems natural, maintains young Latvian NGO founder

Ieva Lāce says she has always been driven by humanitarian projects and initiatives. This passion of hers has taken her to various destinations around the world. For example, as soon

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Connecting European community development foundations

Rural communities in Romania are facing a huge exodus of residents moving to cities or other EU countries, while in Poland there are concerns about the future of democracy. Although

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“I wanted to transfer the good things I saw around Europe to my hometown,” says Bulgarian lawyer and NGO worker

Lazarina Boneva’ s parents have always been active in the social and political life of Bozhurishte in Bulgaria. As a child, Lazarina hated it. Not only were her parents not

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“It was comforting to realize that a leader doesn´t have to be an extrovert,” says young Croatian activist

Dijana is from Croatia. When she was a little girl, Dijana lost her father during the Croatian War of Independence. Although she and her mother and brother left their home

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Slovakian inspiration: Cycling Kitchen and a Market that Offers an Alternative to Shopping Malls

What community projects in Slovakia can serve as sources of inspiration for the Czech Republic? We set off to see what engaged Slovakians are doing during a site visit in

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