Černošice Fund

This fund supports the long-term development of the community of Černošice.


The mission of the fund is to support community activities in Černošice and the surrounding area and to help improve residents’ lives.

The Černošice Fund was established at Via Foundation and we manage the fund and administer the distribution of grants. In 2019, CZK 300,000 was expended from the fund to support 12 projects.

In compliance with the fund’s mission, grants are awarded primarily to connect various groups of residents who are separated geographically or otherwise. The fund can also be used to support community discussion forums, environmental protection initiatives, public space improvements, recreation and sports, art, culture and historical heritage, leisure time activities for all age groups, support of citizens in crisis, education, civic associations and activities run by associations.

You can find more information about the Černošice Fund (in Czech): www.fondcernosice.cz.

Jana Horáková
Partner Projects and Funds

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