How to Hack a Street

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Previous: Navigating Difficult Conversations

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Next: Future Search Conference: A Structured Discussion Leading to Community Integrity

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How to Hack a Street

Thursday, April 27, 16.30, Studio
The public part of our lives takes place on the street. In a figurative sense, the street may be perceived as a cosy living room, where people and communities spend their most precious moments. In cities dominated by cars and in this era of public space privatisation, however, streets are becoming exclusive spaces from which a large part of the community is excluded. To make our streets and public spaces more inclusive, we have designed tools for participatory mapping and design (barriers and other tools). During the workshop, we will present these tools and speak about their use in “street dialogues”, i.e. discussions between various stakeholders about community public spaces.
Key words: community mapping and planning, city dialogue, public space, hacking a street

Zora Pauliniová/Slovakia

Zora “Kalka” studied architecture and currently works for PDCS as a senior trainer and facilitator. She combines her role in education with the role of architect, which is the basis for her expertise in public participation, community development and place-making. She has profound experience as a facilitator of public/community meetings and participatory planning processes. Along with being the co-author of the book “Public spaces”, she has led several participatory processes for public spaces in Bratislava and other cities. In 2015 she designed and led an extensive participatory process titled “Let´s talk about Šafko” and in 2016 a process titled “Let´s revive public spaces”. She is not afraid to develop and use various tools for participatory design in practice.

