Functional Subgrouping – Opening Boundaries for Communication

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Functional Subgrouping – Opening Boundaries for Communication

Thursday, April 27, 16.30, DOXlab
Functional Subgrouping is a communication method designed to open opportunities for change. It develops a strong platform for cooperation and is effective in conflict resolution. The method was developed by Yvonne Agazarian. Based on Systems theory, the underlying principles of the method can be applied to any level of human interaction, from individuals to groups, communities or nations. The method is also effective when communicating in mid-sized and large groups. It supports the development of a sense of community, a community where differences are used as resources instead of as fuel for scapegoating and splitting people in stereotypical groups of ‘us’ and ‘them’.
Key words: functional subgrouping, communication across boundaries, group dynamics


Jonas Forsmark/Sweden

Jonas is an adult education teacher in Sweden. He has worked mainly in folk high schools and universities. He specializes in group dynamics and outdoor education and has attended Systems Centered Training© (Systems Centered Training is a registered trademark of Yvonne Agazarian and the non-profit organization SCT-RI) and practiced Functional Subgrouping since 2011.