Y Soft CSR Fund

The Y Soft CSR Fund supports charitable projects selected by the company’s employees.

In early 2019, the company Y Soft established a donor fund at Via Foundation. The mission of the Y Soft CSR Fund is to support charitable projects and initiatives in all of the countries in which the company has a presence and also to engage Y Soft employees and contractors in giving, and inspire them to personally support charitable projects in their own communities. In 2019, almost 100 employee participated and a total of CZK 570,000 was awarded in grants.


Y Soft employees had the opportunity to award small grants from the Fund to non-profit projects at their discretion. They nominated and awarded grants through an online application, which was custom-designed and administered by Via Foundation. You can read more about our employee giving programs here.


SK TROOPERS z.s. (sport, leisure tiem activities), ParaCentrum Fenix, z.s. (health care), ČČK Nové Mlýny Water Rescue Serice, 01/85 ZO Union of Nature Preservationists, Dinosaurus Chapter


Summer camp volunteer
“You can just imagine how many stories emerge from this type of volunteering – everything from being the hobbit, a wizard or a pirate at a summer camp to trying to survive with just a few things in the woods. I also love being able to inspire young children, be a role model for them, teach them how to make a fire…,”.
Petr H.

Helping in a retirement home
“My great-grandmother survived a concentration camp but unfortunately she died when I was very young. So I don’t have many memories of being with her. During my volunteering in a retirement home in Buštěhrad, I spoke with one of the ladies who live there, and I found out that she knew my great-grandmother. It was an emotional moment for me…and I made me feel much closer to my great-grandmother. Googling everything that you need is awesome, but nothing can beat the power of story-telling.”
Lucie K.

Support of Roma students
“I volunteer as a mentor for a young student. She is interested in information technology and wants to study it. We meet every week to practise English and to work on an IT project.”
Martin K.


Jana Horáková

Partner Project and Funds

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