Remember us in your will

Continue to help building communities…

After taking care of loved ones, consider Friends of Via and Via Foundation in your will and see how a piece of paper can help you make a real difference.

By leaving a gift in your will, you can continue to help build vibrant Czech communities and philanthropy in the Czech Republic, long into the future. It’s a common myth that you have to be wealthy to leave a gift in your will to help others – when in fact the opposite is true. After taking care of loved ones, you’ll be surprised at what one final gift, big or small, can do.

Communities like this can do a lot with a small grant from Via. We are enormously grateful for any gift left to us, whatever the amount.
If you wish to name Via Foundation in your will, you can do so through Friends of Via. Please name us as:
Friends of Via, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, organized and existing under the laws of the state of Pennsylvania, with principal address: 1160 Windermere Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15218.
  • You retain control of your assets during your lifetime, and you do not incur any costs from your gift now.
  • You can change your mind or your gift if any circumstances change.
  • Your gift can remain anonymous if you prefer.
  • Your gift may provide tax savings or help reduce the tax burden for your heirs.
  • You can leave a gift in memoriam to honor someone who has inspired you.
  • You will be remembered as someone whose legacy included transforming Czech communities and promoting philanthropy!
Marie Horová remembered Via Foundation in her will with a gift of $50,000. Through the Mr. Hora and Mrs. Horová Fund, we supported 28 educational projects for children in Carpatho-Ukraine. Read an interview with Jiří Bárta about Marie Horová, Via’s first legacy donor.

Hana Romovacek’s children and friends honoured Hana’s legacy through gifts in memoriam to a community project in her native Kutna Hora region. Through their generosity, a total of $1,852 was donated to a civic association for a mini-library project in the town of Kolodeje.
  • To leave a legacy to Via, you simply designate the selected asset(s) or a percentage of your estate to Via through Friends of Via (FoV) by including a legacy provision in your will or trust. You can do this when you draft your will or trust, or you can amend an existing one with a simple document. Via/Fov can be either a primary or a contingent beneficiary.
  • If you plan to restrict the use of your legacy (designating to a specific interest area, region of the Czech Republic or Via program), please contact FoV while drafting your will or trust to ensure that Via can accommodate your wishes. Please bear in mind that the more narrowly you restrict the use of your legacy, the greater the risk that the area or program you seek to benefit today may be less relevant when Via receives your gift in the future due to changing needs.
  • Please let us know when you have named Via in your will or trust so that we can thank you. This also helps us plan programming and ensures your wishes can be fulfilled. 
  • FoV receives the gift after your lifetime and applies it to the purpose(s) at Via Foundation which you specified. 
  • Your distribution is fully deductible for federal estate tax purposes, and there is no limit on the deduction your estate can claim. The gift is also usually exempt from state inheritance taxes.
Gifts can take many forms, such as:
  • A dollar amount
  • A percentage of your residual estate (what remains after gifts to loved ones and expenses), or
  • A specific asset, such as securities or other marketable property
This sample language may be useful:
“I give and bequeath to Friends of Via, address 1160 Windermere Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15218, [the sum of __________ Dollars ($____)] [ _______ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate], to be used for Via Foundation’s general charitable purposes.”
We would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please contact Tereza Herdová at Via Foundation at for more information or to talk about a potential gift.
Remembering Via Foundation in your will is a great way to support our work into the future – helping us meet the challenges that lie ahead.