Štěpán Janča


Štěpán Janča was born in 1972. Currently he is a minister of the Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren in the city of Orlová, specializing in youth and community work. He organizes concerts, lectures, community events, creative activities for youth, camps for children and international exchanges.
He is an amateur musician, sound engineer and songwriter and a keen photographer. He loves traveling and meeting new people. He was strongly influenced by trips to England and Kenya, where he spent several months.
His wife Lýdie and him have three children, two boys and a girl.
In the autumn 2014 he was unexpectedly elected to the municipal government.

Organization: ‘Farní sbor Českobratrské církve evangelické’, Czech Republic

We want to encourage a greater community spirit among people in Orlová and offer them a new place to meet and take part in different community and creative activities. We want to invite them to be active members of the community, motivate them and give them the chance to introduce their own ideas for community building events. We plan to involve various groups and help them to get to know each other better. We especially want to encourage the inclusion of elderly, disabled or otherwise marginalized people.
We want to do this by running a community centre – a place where different people can meet for creative activities, community events, or just coffee mornings. We hope this plan will help people in Orlová feel more at home in the city and help them become active and responsible citizens.