A hidden corner, a caravan and 80 edible shrubs

It thrills us to see how many people in today’s hectic world still find time to make their communities vibrant places to live. Thanks to our donors, we are able to help them turn their dreams into reality. Here are three stories about people who are giving back that we hope you will find as inspiring as we do!

Ekokul Community Center in Litvínov

The town of Litvínov in northern Bohemia does not have many places where people can meet. Moreover this area, part of the former Sudetenland, faces a constant struggle against the exodus of people to bigger cities. Václav Št’ovíček, a student at Charles University’s Faculty of Humanities and a native of Litvínov, decided to bring something new to his hometown by offering people a space full of interesting activities intended to connect all generations.

Three years ago, Václav founded the Ekokul association together with some of his peers. The name merges two key themes: ecology and culture. This group of young people really loves the city they grew up in and want to live there and enjoy it. They also share a positive outlook on life and are bursting with ideas on how to rejuvenate local culture and spend time together in meaningful activities. They started with clean-up events, gradually added clothing swaps, creative workshops, and lectures on ecology. They are developing collaborations with other local organizations, initiatives and schools in the city. They also submitted a proposal to build a community mini-amphitheater to the city’s participatory budget competition, in which citizens can suggest how some public funding will be used. Their proposal won third place and construction is slated to begin next spring. 

The Ekokul Community Centre, which they plan on opening in 2025, will be the place where all these activities will converge. It is envisioned as a meeting place for all generations, where exhibitions, small concerts, lectures, workshops, clothing swaps and other events with an ecological or cultural theme will be held. 

Jabkenice Fishing Association and a Green Oasis

The village of Jabkenice lies about one-hour from Prague by car. It is celebrated as the place where composer Bedřich Smetana spent the last part of his life, wrote several works and completed his epic work, My Homeland. Jabkenice now also offers for a walk through an edible orchard or a tour of new ponds. Local resident Jiří Koštvanec is the driving force behind these activities as well as many others.

In the center of the village, next to the municipal office, there is a large plot of land that used to be overgrown and difficult to walk through. About 6 years ago, Jiří bought part of the land from the municipality and started to build a green oasis at his own expense. In order to broaden the circle of people engaged in the project, he founded a fishing association. Together, he and the other members built a set of ponds and added an insect hotel and birdhouses, a playground, a campfire circle and a path.

The most recent event was the planting of an orchard with 80 edible shrubs. Some 73 local residents came to the work party, a turnout that far exceeded the organizers’ expectations. Each shrub was planted with a small sign so that visitors will be able to learn more about each plant. Local residents baked cakes and pies and provided drinks for the event, which also saw the debut campfire at the circle they had built on the site some time ago. 

In addition, the core team has grown to include the Charvatec Gardeners from a neighboring village, who want to start working more with Jakenice residents, who are excited about the new knowledge the gardeners bring. They are also beginning to work with a local environmental preservation organization, CSOP Charvatce, to plan another tree planting event. We wish Jabkenice all the best and that their plans bear fruit😊. 

A Caravan for All

In the village of Jamné u Tišnova in south Moravia, the Education for Life Association is working to bring together local residents, particularly families. They run the Dobrouček Club, organize work parties, festivals and campfire gatherings. They have installed a caravan, raised planting beds and shrubs that they care for together.

This year, the caravan was in need of a complete renovation. The group decided that while they were at it, they would renovate the entire site. The area around the caravan now offers seating, a sandbox, a field kitchen, compost and a swing. Together, these local residents have created a pleasant gathering place that is used by neighbors as well as families who attend Dobroucek’s educational programs and come from nearby villages.