Via Foundation is looking for people who help others. Nominations for the Via Bona Philanthropy Awards are now open!

Via Foundation has opened nominations for the 19th annual Via Bona Philanthropy Awards. Each year, through the Via Bona Awards, we highlight inspiring stories of giving and charity and thank people who selflessly help others by giving their time, energy, money or experience to help a good cause.

Anyone can submit a nomination – companies, non-profit organizations, schools or individuals – online at

Philanthropists can be nominated in six award categories, e.g. the patron award for an individual who gives a significant financial gift for charitable purposes and the personal engagement award for an individual who helps others through his enthusiasm, time and energy. Via Foundation also recognizes people who donate smaller gifts on a regular basis, along with young philanthropists and companies which give back to their communities. For the second year in a row, the Via Bona Awards will also include the bequest award for an individual who helps others through a bequest.

“By sending in a nomination, people can express their thanks to donors who inspire others through their charitable giving. Via Bona (which means good path) is also an opportunity to show that each and every one of us can be a philanthropist. We can all do something to make life in our society more positive,” says Jarmila Cihlářová, Philanthropy Development program manager at VIA Foundation. “We value every nominated story – it can be an inspiration to others,” she adds.

Via Foundation holds the VIA Bona awards under the auspices of the US Embassy in Prague. Nominations will be accepted until June 7, 2016 and the winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on October 19th in Prague.

“We value people who voluntarily give their energy, time, experience or money to help others without excepting to receive anything in return. Their enthusiasm proves that even one individual – any one of us – can do a lot for the good of our society,” says Adriana Dergam on behalf of the Nadace Vodafone Board of Directors. “The Via Bona Awards acknowledges these individuals and shows that despite the frequent negative stories we hear in the media, there are many quiet but persistent champions among us fighting against irresponsibility, selfishness and excessive consumerism. As the Via Bona Awards’ general partner, Nadace Vodafone aims to help support and connect these people, these unsung heroes and philanthropists. We believe that celebrating and promoting their work brings society a needed spark of optimism and inspiration,” she adds.

Philanthropists can be nominated in the following categories:
Personal engagement award: recognizes those who dedicate extraordinary energy, time and enthusiasm
Young personal engagement award: recognizes those who give and help from an early age
Patron award: recognizes those who give part of their assets for charitable purposes
Loyal philanthropist award: recognizes those whose regular gifts make miracles happen
Good company award: recognizes those who marry business and charity in their community
Helping through a bequest award: recognizes those who include charitable causes in their wills

Via Foundation has awarded the Via Bona Philanthropy Awards since 1998 with the aim of renewing disrupted traditions of philanthropy in the Czech Republic.

The General Partner of the 2016 Via Bona Philanthropy Awards is Nadace Vodafone ČR. Other partners include Česká spořitelna, Philip Morris ČR and PwC Česká republika.

For more information, please contact Jarmila Cihlářová,, tel: 734 257 140.