Komunitní fórum – na co se můžete těšit?

Komunitní fórum, setkání lidí, které zajímá téma komunitního rozvoje a chtěli by získat inspiraci z Česka i zahraničí, pořádáme 12. – 14. května 2016 v pražském HUBu. Do programu jsme pro vás vybrali celou řadu workshopů, které povedou hosté z České republiky i ze zahraničí.

Na co se tedy můžete těšit? Tady je přehled workshopů (konference proběhne v angličtině)

Gabriella Benedek, Katrin Kremmel: Working towards communities through conflicts.
Gabi is social development practitioner, trained in The Development School, postgraduate diploma in London Metropolitan University, has developed and lead several of Foresee Research Group’s strategic projects in the field of community development, research, extra-curricular education and program evaluation.

Katrin studied cultural and social anthropology in Vienna, Barcelona and São Paulo. She is a junior researcher at the Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (IRKS) in Vienna.

The workshop will give a brief introduction to restorative circles. The input draws on experiences Gabi and Katrin made while researching in two different contexts, a small town in Hungary and in the urban neighbourhoods of social housing estates in Vienna. The workshop will provide the possibility for the personal engagement and reflection of the participants through a role-play simulations and thought provoking documentary film raising questions about integration in intercultural communities.

Katia De Luca, Petr Čáp: Community Cooperative: an entrepreneurial approach to build viable, responsible, democratic communities.
Katia is a psychologist in the field of work and organizations, experienced in skill assessment, people and organizational development, active policy or the labor market, youth working, cooperative management.
Petr is a civic education trainer, evaluator and researcher. Currently, he works as a community-led local development adviser at The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic’s Agency for Social Inclusion.

The Italian concept of community cooperative is a new tool to enhance opportunity for citizens to self-organize and establish a democratic controlled and participative society to provide services of general interest, answering to the common needs, strengthen community’s resilience and launch sustainable platform for civic engagement. The workshop aims at sharing the community cooperative model and the way to support a community in becoming an “entrepreneurial”, active, participative and democratic.

Martina Čurdová: Community theatre: Building community through creative proces.
Martina is a theatre director and lecturer. She studied at Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. Afterwards she continued her education in Theatre of the Oppressed at one-year internship in Barcelona and at CTO in Rio de Janeiro.
The workshop will allow the participants to discover a great method of building community and making it more viable – community theatre. The common creative process is a very strong tool to develop communities at all levels. The main objective of community theatre is to inter-connect the community, to create there working relationships and strengthen mutual solidarity. The workshop will be interactive and practical.

For practitioners in community development two questions are most in-during and often most controversial: 1) How you define a viable community? 2) How you measure if a community increased its viability as a result of a community development process? During this “tow-in-one” workshop we propose to our fellow Forum participants to address the first question and in the same time to experience The Most Significant Change as a relatively new method on the market for measuring community intervention impact. We will bring at surface relevant experiences of all participants and we will build a common understanding based on these experiences. No prior theoretical background needed. Just bring all your field stories with you and we will build from there.

Lochman, Ondřej: The Happy Village.
Happy village is a village in Central Bohemian region. It is an ordinary small insignificant place of almost 600 inhabitants. Public life in the village has vividly changed in last 4 years. On this example we will practice the essential leadership skills by reflecting on our own aims and motivation in the leader role and as well by analyzing a real example of creating a community.

Macey, Paul: Asset Based Community Development – Whole Community Transformation from Inside Out.
ABCD considers local assets as the primary building blocks of sustainable community development. It offers a robust evidence-based framework for social change, challenging us to consider the following questions:
1. What is it that communities can do best?
2. What do communities require help with?
3. What do communities need outside agencies to do for them?

The ABCD approach helps us to find answers to each of these questions. It can also show us how to make better use of the resources that we all have or have access to, and how to support one another to use them to the benefit of whole communities. ABCD is the way by which we can build healthier, safer, prosperous and more inclusive communities.

Miková, Karolína: Facilitating community: How to make troublemakers cooperate.
Do you strive to engage in inspiring discussion about the future of the community which in your experience is almost impossible to achieve? Do you instead straggle with long and ineffective meetings in your community? Do troublemakers make your meetings frustrating experience which you would rather avoid? Come and share! During the workshop we will discuss how to design, organize and facilitate community meetings in the way which allows enriching discussion, and conclusion with common agreements. You will get some tips and see demonstration of interventions to troublemakers and selected difficult situations.

Ondrušek, Dušan: Miracles, heroes and witches in community. (Using fairly tales´ metaphors in community analysis).
What the fairy tales may tell us about the reality that we face every day in our communities? In fairy tales the usual rules of reality do not count – the horses may fly, the miracles enable the people to have supernatural strengths, the palaces may be changed into the sand and the sand may transform into castles and treasures. The characters of the heroes, evil powers and witches are more visible and understandable; it is easy to guess how the creatures´ fights will finish. How these simplified metaphoric analogies may help in description of the community relationships that are fuzzy, complex, continuously changing …? Some of the events and phenomena address our personal experience, areas that we are especially sensitive about? It is useful to discover and reflect own areas of sensitivity that create the local patriotic or power control motivations. Reflecting own role and blind spots in interpreting own work in community is the task of this session.

Rutkowska, Iza: Pigeons. How to integrate local communities trough art.
The workshop is about to show to participants how to play with the public space, and how by setting art objects that apparently doesn’t fit the space, bring the people together and integrate the local community. The workshop may take place in the conference hall but also I could take the participants into the city.

Slack, Tim: Building on works well in communities and working with existing strengths.
The workshop will explore a positive and strength based approach to community engagement. Using the Appreciative Inquiry organisation development philosophy to demonstrate a motivation strategy that builds on a Communities existing success and strengths. Where building on “what is working” is the framework to success. An approach founded on dialogue and co- creation leading to sustainable and active communities. The workshop will be interactive, include an overview of Appreciative Inquiry and practical community engagement examples delivered by Appreciating People. Demonstrating how different form of engagement can motivate communities and identify the existing viable elements.